Xmas and Boxing Day and beyond

As always, a lovely family time for us guys. It was a bit of a catch-up time for me with Sally & Simon who I have hardly really seen in the last six months.

With such young children in the family those six months seem a very significant chunk of time, and inevitably there’s lots of the old ‘blimey you’ve grown’ stuff generally going on. (Not me though – I’ve shrunk about half a centimetre since September according to a semi-ritualistic measuring of people against pen-marks on the door – but I’ll chat to my physio about that)

Xmas Fairy CakesOn Christmas day we had the usual very excited children (with Bill & Jean over to stay adding to the fever-pitch of my daughters) and opened what seems like a few too many presents (I may be old and grumpy but it did seem like a lot). For a lovely Xmas dinner we went over to Chorlton to see Sally & Simon and the boys and were spoiled with lovely food and my first go on a Scalextric for a very long time. And being hit by Olly’s Star Wars ‘Light Saver’ was another first for me.


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